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How managed SMSC capabilities for A2P traffic can grow your business

A2P messaging has become an essential tool for many businesses and can attract premium fees, creating a growing market opportunity for messaging providers to focus on retail and enterprise customers. To sustain such a business, a reliable, scalable and high-performance messaging platform is required. Traditionally, these have been too expensive, creating barriers to entry. Managed SMS service models can transform this business and unlock opportunities.

Have you ever booked a flight and been offered the option of receiving your receipt via SMS? Typically, providers levy a fee for this, sometimes up to a Euro or more. It’s a cost that surprises many, given how accustomed consumers are to sending and receiving messages for free or for a marginal cost from an allowance.

In fact, application to person (or A2P) SMS traffic is big business. Increasingly, retailers, merchants and service providers are using classical SMS messaging to communicate with their customers and to provide alerts and notifications, because it provides a reliable and ubiquitous means of doing so. While some of the resulting traffic attracts a premium, it’s also more cost-effective for the vendor, as it can reduce consumption of resources in contact and support centres, as well as manual activities.

As a result, retailers and other such organisations are looking for partnerships with providers of messaging services. This creates opportunities for specialist providers to offer A2P messaging to build on retail and enterprise relationships by offering messaging services. However, to enable this, they need access to a secure, reliable messaging platform that supports the required service functionality.

To grow such a business, the platform needs to offer the appropriate scalability and network interconnection possibilities to ensure that message delivery can be consistently achieved to meet performance targets that may be part of any SLA with an enterprise or retail customer. Traditionally, such platforms have either been prohibitively expensive or have not been built to perform to the required standards.

There is an alternative, however. Partitionware’s hosted, managed messaging platform, the Partitionware SMSC, is a proven, highly scalable solution that has delivers proven, consistent and reliable performance. Available as a managed service, it means that messaging providers can avoid the traditional expense of launching an A2P SMS business, but need not compromise on the quality of the platform that supports it.

So, as more and more retailers move towards messaging as a key communications tool, there’s a growing opportunity to service their needs. If you want to play a part in the A2P SMS business, why not get in touch so we can show you how?

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